mezuzah on left side of door

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mezuzah on left side of door

Chovat Hadar 9:footnote 20 explains that the reason for this is that the opinion of Rashi says if you place it sideways it is not kosher, while Rabbenu Tam Menachot 33a s.v. Yashfei 1:207:1, Doleh Umashke (p. 275, footnote 69) quoting Rav Elyashiv and Rav Nissim Karelitz. Or Letzion 1:14 writes that the minhag is to put a mezuzah on the right going from the house to the balcony. The Maharil quoted by the Taz 289:4 writes that if a house opens to enclosed courtyard and it doesn't have any other opening then certainly the doorway to the courtyard is considered an entrance to the courtyard since there's no other way in. Majority of achronim accept the Maharil. 10 fnt. This is also the ruling of Rav Moshe Heinemann (Guide to Halachos v. 1 p. 100). Alternatively, if you want to hang the mezuzah indoors, choose the most important room in your house. Mechzeh Eliyahu 1:8:28 p. 74 is strict and quotes many who are strict including: Gidulei Hekdesh 4, Mateh Yehuda 40, Chesed Lalafim, Divrei Chamudot n. 46, Derech Hachayim, Yad Ketana, and Pri Megadim OC EA 240:17. Lehorot Natan 3:72, Rav Elyashiv (Ashrei Haish YD 286), Rav Wosner (Kovetz Mbet Levi v. 2 p. 129). 1 he cites that Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichot Shlomo Tefilla ch. The laws of mezuzah do not require that the sideposts or the lintel actually carry the weight of the area above the door. To learn how to put a kosher scroll into your mezuzah case before you hang it, keep reading! The Mezuzah is affixed on the right-hand side of the door as you enter the room. Chovat Hadar 8:3:1 fnt. How should a mezuzah be put on the doorpost, and what are the prayers Best wishes, Eliyahu. If it is affixed to the left hand side, it is invalid. There are four reasons it could be invalid: 1) We learn from tzitzit that just like tzitzit made by a non-Jew is invalid so too mezuzah. Jerusalem Stone Mezuzah Cases - Judaica Web Store Chovat Hadar (ch. The Ashkenazic custom is to affix the mezuzah on a slight angle, with the top of the mezuzah angled toward the inside of the room and the bottom angled toward the outside. *Although all questions mentioned here are authentic, names have been changed to protect each individuals privacy. Magen Avraham 40:2 holds that a mezuzah that is facing the inside of the room needs to be covered with a double covering to permit having tashmish in the room. However, if he works specific hours and part of his salary is his private room then it is exempt from a mezuzah. Chovat Hadar ch. However, if one took down one's Mezuzah just to put it in a nicer case, one doesn't need to make a new Bracha when putting it up unless it was taken down for several hours so that one stopped thinking about the Mezuzah. However, since some poskim hold that it doesn't require a mezuzah if it isn't used by night in such a case a mezuzah should be put up without a bracha. $264.00. Answer: Dear Devorah, It's best for the mezuzah to be close to the outer edge of the doorway. In English, the blessing translates to Praise to You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to affix the mezuzah.. Menachot 33a, Shulchan Aruch YD 289:3, Aruch Hashulchan 289:6. Yalkut Yosef YD 285:41 and Halichot Olam v. 8 p. 302 agree for additional reasons such as the Smag who holds that if the mezuzah is ten tefachim from the ground it is considered in another domain. Chatom Sofer YD 280 and Maamar Mordechai 634:2 defend the Shulchan Aruch against the Taz. If the area is going to be used for changing diapers or getting changed, the case should not be clear. June 1st, 2020 - place the mezuzah on the right side of the doorpost as you enter the main room e g on the right side of the door as you enter your home on the right side of the door as you enter a bedroom etc place the mezuzah on the upper one third of the doorpost ashkenazim place the mezuzah at a slant toward the main room jews with spanish . Some say that a person should put up a mezuzah right when he starts to live there. In light of the Rabbi Akiva Eiger the closet should have a mezuzah on the right going out of the closet, but since according to the Rambam this closet needs a mezuzah going into the closet and the Chamudei Doniel would also have the mezuzah placed going in, many poskim hold that the mezuzah is placed going into the closet. In ch. little insecure about the details, so every time I move, I look up details of hanging my mezuzahs. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. What is a Mezuzah? | Pitchei Mezuzot 296:109 writes that we shouldn't be lenient like the Yad Ketana that anytime they're functioning the same room they're considered one doorway, rather we should follow the implication of the Tur. Chayei Adam 15:18 writes that depends on which way the door swings. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. See Agur Bohalecha who discusses this further but generally agrees that the Chazon Ish disregarded the Chamudei Doniel. Maharam Shik 287, Maharsham 1:71 and 3:154, and Chelkat Yakov YD 162 agree with the Maharil against the Bet Meir. Rama YD 286:1 quoting the Aguda that even if some non-Jews live in the city they are exempt from mezuzah on the city gate. [B] However, if the right wall continues less than three tefachim of the left wall, they are deemed to be in alignment enough to require a mezuzah on the right post. Set Apart People What about the mezuzah? A bet midrash doesn't need a mezuzah but because some rishonim hold that it should have a mezuzah it is proper to put up a mezuzah on a bet midrash without a bracha. 3) The putting up has to be done lishma. [9] If the small room is an entrance into the big room (picture #2). A mezuzah does not require a specific surface material, so you can hang it on concrete. Teshuva M'ahava 1:61. If the doorway is arched there is a dispute whether the height of the doorposts includes the arched section where the doorway has a width of 4 tefachim. [2] Even though the mezuzah affords a person protection he shouldn't put it up for that reason; he should do it because that is Hashem's will. Do these entrances require a mezuzah? Orchot Rabbenu v. 3 p. 165 quotes the Chazon Ish as holding that we do not hold like the Chamudei Doniel. If a Jew owns or rents an office all of the doorways require a mezuzah, even the office rooms that are designated for non-Jews, as long as the Jew uses the room on occasion. Mezuzahs. Ohel Aryeh 4:15 explains that since the yeshiva bachur can be kicked out of his room and it isn't really a rental but a payment for a place to stay the yeshiva needs to put up the mezuzot in the dormitory. The mezuzah should be attached to the left side when walking from the room into the closet. The criteria by which one can determine which side the mezuzah should be used in the follow order. "I did not grow up in a Jewish home, but converted to Judaism later in life. If your answer is no, it's better not to hang the mezuzah. Shulchan Aruch YD 286:2 accepts the opinion of the Rif. Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. The Chelkat Yakov explains the Mordechai to mean to add that even though when the vestibule is open to a courtyard and the main room to the public people will use the vestibule more often as an exit than an entrance, nonetheless, since the main room is used more than the vestibule, we view the entrance between the vestibule and the main room as an entrance and not an exit. If one uses the other one it is still valid. Some say that a mezuzah could be put up with Velcro. However, if it is just used to wash one's hands on one's way out of the bathroom that is exempt. This is the opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalman (cited by Hamezuzah Vehilchoteha ch. Mezuzah on black. The mezuzah should be affixed in the lower part of the upper third of the doorpost. If the area it surrounds is 16 square amot, one should put up a mezuzah without a bracha. Shaarei Hamezuzah 2:26, Or Yitzchak YD 1:55, and Ohalei Shem (Mezuzah 286 siman 15) all agree with Agur Bohalecha. A Sephardi should have a mezuzah with a paragraph break like the Rambam and not the Taz, which is common in Ashkenazi mezuzot. [It requires further analysis if this applies even if the door is obligated in a Mezuzah but does not have one, or only if the door is . A walk-in freezer is not obligated in a mezuzah. Mezuzah - Buy Mezuzahs From Israel Jewish.Shop See Rashi and Tur, however, who describe it as depending on whicch side the post upon which the door hangs is placed. The mezuzah parchment should be placed on the right side of the door when entering the room. Thus, according to most opinions, the entrance leading towards the bedroom of Raphaels apartment would require a mezuzah (assuming that is has a mashkof) but without a beracha. It's used in the Torah when the children of Israel are commanded to mark their doorposts with blood so that death might pass over them. The Rosh (Hilchos Mezuzah #14) explains that the case is where one entire wall of the room or house is missing, and thus the entranceway is created by the wall ending, rather than the existence of an actual door. The klaf should be rolled from left to right. Therefore, Mezuzah Vhilchoteha writes that a walk-in closet that isn't 4x4 amot is completely exempt for Sephardim. Shaarei Hamezuzah 10:16, Agur Bohalecha 19:10, Mezuzah Vehilchoteha 3:8. If the mezuzah is placed in the outer tefach and the window doesn't begin at that point, the height of the doorway is determined without the window. Yisroel sent me photographs of his hallway to determine whether he needs to place a mezuzah at its entrance (see attachment entitled "is this a mashkof"). Minchat Yitzchak's actual opinion there isn't relevant to this case. Bach YD 285 and Aruch Hashulchan YD 285:3 write that a house with a mezuzah has extra protection. However, both Or Letzion and Yeshuot Malko conclude that we accept the Maharil. This is how the Shulchan Aruch concludes. The sliding door is a door. According to Agur Bohalecha 27:3 the rules are 2, 3, 5, 4. Agur Bohalecha ch. If there are two doorframes one in front of the other if they're within 1 amah of each other it is considered one doorway and one mezuzah on the outermost tefach suffices. Shulchan Aruch Y.D. It doesn't depend on which way the homeowner wants to be the main direction of entry; it solely depends on which direction is used for more for entry in practice by the people who use it. Mezuzah on Bedroom - Mezuzah Maven Avnei Yishpa 3:95:1 based on Mikdash Me'at 287:3-4. His opinion is based on the concept that you walk from the house to the backyard and since the back door is an entrance to the backyard which has no other entrance then the mezuzah must be on the right entering the backyard. - He notes, though, that the Ritva and Rabbenu Yonatan (Shita Mikubeset b"m 102a) who write the next tenant owes the money and in fact the Ritva meyuchasot holds that if the new tenant doesn't want to pay the previous tenant can take his mezuzot with him. It is permitted to check all of one's mezuzot at once and it isn't necessary to take them down and check them one at a time. Mordechai Halachot Ketanot 962, Bach 289:5, Shach 289:5, Levush 289:2, Chayei Adam 15:17, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 11:3, Aruch Hashulchan 289:5, Derech Hachaim 240:3, Kuntres Hamezuzah (page 102, note 22). Whenever passing it, we should remind ourselves of Hashems constant protection. What does the Mezuzah have to do with Hanukkah? Chovat Hadar 8:1:2 agrees. Minchat Yitzchak writes that Rabbi Akiva Eiger is only relevant to a small room attached to a bigger room, such that if the bigger room were removed it would be open to the street and require a mezuzah. When building a house, one must be certain that the part of the building above a door or a window is properly supported so that the building does not tumble down on its inhabitants, something that will ruin the contractors reputation and potentially could hurt someone. [1] In general, here are the steps required to dedicate your home with a mezuzah: Obtain a kosher mezuzah (available through a good Jewish bookstore). Yerushalmi Megillah 4:12, Tosfot Yoma 11b s.v. Approved. When to kiss mezuzah? - Agur Bohalecha 10:5-6, Rav Nissim Karelitz in Chut Shani Mezuzah p. 123. 287:1. Aruch Hashulchan 286:12-15 proves that the Bet Yosef's opinion that the bedroom needs a mezuzah and it is sufficient to have it covered with one covering. Meishiv Dvar 4:16 agrees. Care should be taken to not tear or damage the parchment or the wording on it, as this will invalidate the mezuzah, which is considered Torah. Chovat Hadar 5:11 writes that the entrances all require a mezuzah, but the lobby floor should have it on the right going into the elevator, while on the other floors should have it on the right going out to the floors. It should be placed at a slight angle, with the top of the Mezuzah pointing toward the inside of the room and the bottom pointing toward the outside. He suggests that as long as it isn't very difficult one should fix it. Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Minchat Shlomo 2:100:5) held that it was exempt but good to put up a mezuzah going out on every floor like Rabbi Akiva Eiger. The mezuzot in each Jewish household should be closely inspected twice every seven years by a scribe to check for damage from weather, temperature, and aging. Ideally the case should be clear so that the word is visible from the outside. The Shulchan Aruch YD 286:3 concludes that a shul does not require a mezuzah. However, since it allows passageway to houses it is obligated like a bet shaar, which doesn't meet the criteria for mezuzah but is obligated since it allows entrance to houses. He explains that if the balcony is less than 4x4 amot it isn't considered obligated in a mezuzah in it of itself. Maharam Shik YD 285, Rivevot Ephraim 7:239, Beer Moshe 2:92, Avnei He rejects the Chikrei Lev 128 and others who invalidate a mezuzah put up by a non-Jew. Yalkut Yosef YD 285:93 writes that one should recite a bracha if they were taken down to be checked by a sofer. There is n't considered obligated in a mezuzah Rabbenu v. 3 p. quotes! A kosher scroll into your mezuzah case before you hang it on concrete balcony is less 4x4. Chamudei Doniel exempt for Sephardim chatom Sofer YD 280 and Maamar Mordechai 634:2 defend the Shulchan against. Walk-In closet that is exempt left side when walking from the room the. 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