electrical phenomena in the body

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electrical phenomena in the body

Many who experience a surge in kundalini include electrical phenomena in their list of "symptoms." As we are ever evolving on an upward spiral, it's a good idea to learn how to work with your high energy. this is distinct from neural bioelectricity (classically termed electrophysiology), which refers to the rapid and transient spiking in well-recognized excitable cells like neurons and myocytes; [4] and from bioelectromagnetics, which refers to the effects of applied electromagnetic radiation, and endogenous electromagnetics such as biophoton Published Online: 01 Jun 1927 https . Resistance is measured in ohms. In contrast, Burr used a voltmeter to measure voltage gradients, examining developing embryonic tissues and tumors, in a range of animals and plants. Atmospheric electricity | The Electric Universe Theory In the cornea epithelium, for example, Na+ and K+ are transported inwards from tear fluid to extracellular fluid, and Cl is transported out of the extracellular fluid into the tear fluid. This is the definition of E=mc2, and there is simply no other reasonable explanation for the improved strength (commonly called rest/recovery) offered by that phenomenon known as sleep, i.e. Energy becomes matter when the cell is refreshed, i.e., E=mc2 (Section following). Higher voltages have the capability of breaking down the outer layers of the skin, thereby reducing the resistance. How do electric fields affect wound healing? Moving into the higher levels of awareness leads to being electrically supercharged and sensitive. A charged body of either sign will induce electrons movement within a neutral body without giving it a net charge is called _____. Stated another way, when photon levels are optimized, ATP levels can be taken for granted.). Herman IP. [62] The ion-selective microelectrode is an adaptation of the glass microelectrode, where an ion-specific liquid ion exchanger (ionophore) is tip-filled into a previously silanized (to prevent leakage) microelectrode. Photons are stored in the orbitals of every atom in the body and are constantly called upon for essential physiological processes such as synthesis, movement, vision, brain function, structural integrity, etc. 0,5 to 1 mA: The perception threshold depends on the state of the skin, and light muscle contractions. The optrode does not require referencing and is insensitive to electromagnetism[65] simplifying system setting up and making it a suitable option for recordings where electric stimulation is simultaneously applied. As the current approaches 15 mA, the victim cannot let go of the conductive surface being grasped. The detection of ultra-weak photon emissions (UPE) has been used as a non-invasive diagnostic tool. Emerging optic-based techniques,[64] for example, the pH optrode (or optode), which can be integrated into a self-referencing system may become an alternative or additional technique in bioelectricity laboratories. Without the action of photons generated by the center of the Earth, sleep could not function as the primary source of photon collection from food. Electrical phenomenon - definition of electrical - The Free Dictionary Define electrical phenomenon. However, if this electrical phenomena happens following a death of a loved one, it might indicate that the Spirits are attempting to communicate with the bereaved loved ones. In non-excitable cells, the resting potential across the plasma membrane (Vmem) of individual cells propagate across distances via electrical synapses known as gap junctions (conductors), which allow cells to share their resting potential with neighbors. [68][175] Gap junction-mediated alteration of physiological signaling produces two-headed worms in Dugesia japonica; remarkably, these animals continue to regenerate as two-headed in future rounds of regeneration months after the gap junction-blocking reagent has left the tissue. Any electrical device used on a house wiring circuit can, under certain conditions, transmit a fatal current. A number of methods can be used to visualize individual cells throughout the body of live embryonic, larval or juvenile zebrafish. Zheng, J. a. T., M. C. Handbook of ion channels. Common features of Temple-Baraitser syndrome include absent or hypoplastic of finger and toe nails and phalanges and joint instability. In the last 15 years, a number of new molecular techniques[79] have been developed that allowed bioelectric pathways to be investigated with a high degree of mechanistic resolution, and to be linked to canonical molecular cascades. Report your Unusual Phenomena: High Voltage People ATS patients experience periodic paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias, and multiple morphological abnormalities that can include cleft or high arched palate, cleft or thin upper lip, flattened philtrum, micrognathia, dental oligodontia, enamel hypoplasia, delayed dentition eruption, malocclusion, broad forehead, wide set eyes, low set ears, syndactyly, clinodactyly, brachydactyly, and dysplastic kidneys. Electrical Phenomena - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics The epithelial cells are connected by tight junctions, forming the major electrical resistive barrier, and thus establishing an electrical gradient across the epithelium the transepithelial potential (TEP). However, excessive demand for autonomic reserve energy by the somatic system is the red line of loss of homeostasis (immunity, wellness, longevity)! [41][42][43][44][45][46][23][47] C.D. Alessandro Volta showed that the frog's leg muscle twitching was due to a static electricity generator and from dissimilar metals undergoing or catalyzing electrochemical reactions. This is a total disruption of the cardiac rhythm. And ferroelectricity was reported last year in the hard mineral coating of seashell. Scogna, K. (2014). [170] Synthetic biologists are likewise starting to incorporate bioelectric circuits into hybrid constructs. It is bio-electromagnetic phenomena that enable migratory birds to travel great distances at the same time each year with the accuracy we have only been able to reproduce with maps and GPS. Among physicists, this phenomenon is well documented. The effort took many forms before the first big step forward in research. The composition of the atmosphere, and the properties of the gases, have been ascertained; the phenomena of electricity have been developed; the lightnings have been taken from the clouds; and, lastly, a new influence has been discovered, which has enabled man to produce from combinations of dead matter effects which were formerly occasioned . Also, a decrease in deep sleep is associated with memory loss in aging.13 Added energy is prima facie evidence the brain has achieved deep sleep. All human structure is a product of electrical magnetisma property of photons. Elements are inert substances, made up of atoms, that require the magnetism of photons to come together (compound) to form molecules. Bioelectricity - Wikipedia OpenSubtitles2018.v3. These actions of the human system are a product of electrical voltage, a property of aggregated photons at the atomic level. A team of mechanical engineers has found that the tough, flexible tissue that makes up blood vessels has surprising electrical properties at least in pigs. In: Human Body Composition. There is a deficit of interest in atoms in modern medical science. Physics of Wellness Energy Levels Test can measure energy levels in the human body by measuring the stability of kinetic motion over time. Function in Biology: a By-Product of Electrical Voltage at the Atomic Level. The equivalence of mass and energy is at the essence of the concept referred to as sleep i.e. Heart Electrical Phenomena - GSU Light is made of individual particles called photons. Zimmermman-Laband and Temple-Baraitser syndrome craniofacial and brain defects, dysplasia/aplasia of nails of thumb and great toe. Effects of Electric Currents on the Human Body - Study.com photons in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. GreenMedInfo Summary. They are active in every dimension of reality, especially so in biology. Welcome To The Superhuman Upgrade Program. LaCour J. The effects of electric current on the human body depend on four factors: Although high voltage often produces massive destruction of tissue at contact locations, it is generally believed that the detrimental effects of electric shock are due to the current flowing through the body. 8. Everything is energy Everything in the universe is energy. [3][14][8][15][16] Bioelectric control mechanisms are an important emerging target for advances in regenerative medicine, birth defects, cancer, and synthetic bioengineering.[17][18]. ]] 4. 10. Prior work relied extensively on current applied directly by electrodes, reinvigorated by significant recent advances in materials science[69][70][71][72][73][74] and extracellular current measurements, facilitated by sophisticated self-referencing electrode systems. 1. Much work to functionally study bioelectric signaling has made use of applied (exogenous) electric currents and fields via DC and AC voltage-delivering apparatus integrated with agarose salt bridges. This instigates intense vibration that leads to molecular synthesis (by photon, i.e., photosynthesis) in the soil. Even the briefest contact with electricity at 50 volts for alternating current (V a.c.) or 120 volts for direct current (V d.c.) can have serious consequences for a persons health and safety. There have been many cases where an arm or leg was almost burned off when the extremity came in contact with an electrical current and the current only flowed through a portion of the limb before it went out into the other conductor without going through the trunk of the body. If the nervous system is not ready to handle a sudden 'power surge' of cosmic magnitude, a sudden awakening triggered by LSD, DMT, ecstasy or others substances can result in serious damage to the body, especially the brain. But the reason this result is surprising is that the property in question what scientists call ferroelectricity is usually found in artificial crystals and synthetic materials used for TVs, displays, computer memory and sensors. This is not much current when you consider that a small light-duty portable electric drill draws about 30 times as much. [176][177][178] This stable, long-term alteration of the anatomical layout to which animals regenerate, without genomic editing, is an example of epigenetic inheritance of body pattern, and is also the only available strain of planarian species exhibiting an inherited anatomical change that is different from the wild-type. [130][131][61] At wounds in diabetic animals, the wound electric fields are significantly compromised. One involves conventional static electricity, and the other is something more mysterious. From Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa. Search for more papers by this author. [126][154][155][12], Following up on the relative success of electric stimulation on non-permissive frog leg regeneration using an implanted bimetallic rod in the late 1960s,[156] the bioelectric extracellular aspect of amphibian limb regeneration was extensively dissected in the next decades. With increasing alternating current, the sensations of tingling give way to contractions of the muscles. Since electrical currents affect the nervous system, electrical pulses can impart greater sleep benefits in less time. Or maybe it could even act as a sort of tissue memory in conjunction with nerves. [152] Using electric fields overriding endogenous ones, Marsh and Beams astoundingly generated double-headed planarians and even reversed the primary body polarity entirely, with tails growing where a head previously existed. This mechanism may be interpreted as protection of homeostasis, which is the ability to maintain a constant internal environment in response to outside environmental changes, i.e., stable body temperature. Calories are a measure of heat energy and are provided the body by food consumption. During that time of Electricity Discharge, my body was unusually energetic and I have participated in the Baroda National Marathon 1997 February and run about 24 kms (I am . Calorie and heat are synonyms to the concept of photon! This is distinct from neural bioelectricity (classically termed electrophysiology), which refers to the rapid and transient spiking in well-recognized excitable cells like neurons and myocytes;[4] and from bioelectromagnetics, which refers to the effects of applied electromagnetic radiation, and endogenous electromagnetics such as biophoton emission and magnetite. d. Optimized homeostasis (consistency) is immunity. Naturally, any breakdown in your body's electrical system is a real problem. In other words, the fundamental construct of living tissue is atom bound to atom. Human disorders, as well as numerous mouse mutants show that bioelectric signaling is important for human development (Tables 1 and 2). In this case, there's much more negative charge than positive (yellow than red), so our balloon has an overall negative charge. Finally, efforts in biomedicine and bioengineering are developing applications such as wearable bioreactors for delivering voltage-modifying reagents to wound sites,[165][164] and ion channel-modifying drugs (a kind of electroceutical) for repair of birth defects[89] and regenerative repair. More than 99% of the body's resistance to electric current flow is at the skin. DIET IS NOT ABOUT TYPES OF FOOD, as you will learn in our books. Those include migration and division of epithelial cells, sprouting and extension of nerves, and migration of leukocytes and endothelial cells. The tip detected the tell-tale signal associated with ferroelectricity, and what is more, they found that they could switch this polarization with an electric field. The internal body resistance is about 300 , being related to the wet, relatively salty tissues beneath the skin. In a living system with self-determined limits, ideal kinetic motion is set by the mass of the organism (at rest in gravity). We have bodies that vibrate at a frequency as that of the earth's electromagnetic field. On pulling off a flannel . Changes in body Turgor is associated with hydration throughout medical circles. More challenging however is the integrative program of understanding how specific patterns of bioelectric dynamics help control the algorithms that accomplish large-scale pattern regulation (regeneration and development of complex anatomy). Influences a bodys capacity to do work or potential energy. *atoms are two dimensional composed of the elemental nucleus and electrons (electricity, i.e., photons21). Some ions (such as calcium) and molecules (such as hydrogen peroxide) modulate targeted translocators to produce a current or to enhance, mitigate or even reverse an initial current, being switchers. [179], Defection of cells from the normally tight coordination of activity towards an anatomical structure results in cancer; it is thus no surprise that bioelectricity a key mechanism for coordinating cell growth and patterning is a target often implicated in cancer and metastasis. [119][120] While these channelopathies are rare, they show that functional ion channels are important for development. [101] and the control of tumorigenesis at the site of oncogene expression by bioelectric state of remote cells.[103][104]. Since this phenomenon is closely tied to high emotion, one way to try to control it is to simply be calm. [180][181] Indeed, it has long been known that gap junctions have a key role in carcinogenesis and progression. Everything we see, feel, imagine or remember, expresses itself through a world of electrical signals, all relayed and communicated to and from the central consciousness in the brain through the ionic bonds formed by electrostatic attraction between these metals. Saw the colors swirling around and went back into a white room. Photon levels are limited by the levels of elements in the system. These include ion channels, intracellular signaling pathways, membrane lipid rafts, and electrophoresis of cellular membrane components. The Earth is an electrified body, moving in a plasma. 2. AC-4.1: Probability of ventricular fibrillation up to approximately 5%, AC-4.2: Probability of ventricular fibrillation up to approximately 50%, AC-4.3: Probability of ventricular fibrillation greater than 50%, Conventional time/current zones of effects of d.c. currents on persons for a longitudinal upward current path (hand to feet). (2014). Your email address will not be published. High voltage shocks involving more than 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. can cause contact burns and damage to internal organs. c. Optimized levels of elements & photons is homeostasis. BURNS TEMPERATURE (5,11) FERROELECTRICITY. The reversed polarity of the brain during sleep should be likened to charging the cell phone. Metabolic Rate is considered the basic estimation of function. Later, with his Photoelectric Experiments, he noted that more electrons would be released from a metal when impacted by photons of a higher frequency. [40][126][59][127][128][129] These techniques allow further characterization of the wound electric fields/currents at cornea and skin wounds, which show active spatial and temporal features, suggesting active regulation of these electrical phenomena. The outputs of developmental bioelectric dynamics in vivo represent large-scale patterning decisions such as the number of heads in planaria,[178] the shape of the face in frog development,[98] and the size of tails in zebrafish. In this context, it can be authoritatively stated: ALL DISEASE IS CAUSED BY A DEFICIENCY OF ENERGY! And, since photons are dynamic, they are subject to changes in their environment. Effects of Electric Current on the Human Body Full Analysis! Wellness: the optimized function of the human system over time, as dictated by stable kinetic motion, i.e., HOMEOSTASIS (Immunity). The researchers who discovered this strange effect - Yuanming Liu and colleagues at the University of Washington, Seattle and the University of Boston - usually work on synthetic materials like these to build energy harvesting and storage devices. These potentials are set by the function of ion channels and pumps, and shaped by gap junctional connections which establish developmental compartments (isopotential cell fields). Who needs that? When vibrating in an artificial or natural DC voltage gradient, the capacitive ball oscillates in a sinusoidal AC output. Screens have identified roles for ion channels in size control of structures such as the zebrafish fin,[102] while focused gain-of-function studies have shown for example that bodyparts can be re-specified at the organ level for example creating entire eyes in gut endoderm. All the same, tissue ferroelectricity could be handy. Motion includes the action of muscles, organ function, conscious thought, etc. Using biomimetic exogenous electric currents and fields, partial regeneration was achieved, which typically included tissue growth and increased neuronal tissue. For example, mutations that disrupt an inwardly rectifying potassium channel Kir2.1 cause dominantly inherited Andersen-Tawil Syndrome (ATS). Or perhaps the property could sense blood temperature (because ferroelectricity is temperature-sensitive), or, as in seashells, disperse mechanical energy and prevent damage. Metabolic Rate is technically motion within the science of physics. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Sleep Test and Energy (photons) Levels Test = Synonymous terms! 5. Electrical Phenomena - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics DC-4: Pathophysiological effects may occur such as cardiac arrest, breathing arrest, burns, or other cellular damage. 20. This cell membrane is made up of lipids that create a . A case report", "Temple-Baraitser Syndrome and Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome: One clinical entity? Thinking of "potentiality" in an electric idiom and with reference to its place in human biological processes that implicate electric phenomena, such as the pulses of action potentials that animate the heart and brain, can . Electrical Phenomena of The Body During Sleep The source of the electric charge could be an elementary particle, an electron (which has a negative charge), a proton (which has a positive charge), an ion, or any larger body that has an imbalance of positive and negative charge. *most say there are four fundamental forces, but: Overviewl. To justify Coulomb's law and use it to calculate the force exerted by one . Psychics can transmit as well as receive energy from other electrical systems due to their sensitivity to high-energy environments and situations. Abstract. In the same way, photons, acquired from plants & animals (food), breathing, and sunlight execute molecular compounding leading to chemical reactions in the human body. Workers using electricity may not be the only ones at risk. Electrical Polarity | Article about Electrical Polarity by The Free (1999) A Dictionary of Zoology. [182][183][184] Channels can behave as oncogenes and are thus suitable as novel drug targets. Hutton Power & Light offers a full range of electrical services for both residential and commercial customers. DC-4.1: Probability of ventricular fibrillation increasing up to about 5 %, DC-4.2: Probability of ventricular fibrillation up to about 50 %, DC-4.3: Probability of ventricular fibrillation above 50 %. The duration of the shock has a great bearing on the outcome. Usually, no organic damage is expected. UPE intensity and cell count are closely related, so UPE can be used to monitor cell count. Cells and tissues of all types use ion fluxes to communicate electrically. [127] Thus, the proximal mechanisms of bioelectric signaling within single cells are becoming well-understood, and advances in optogenetics[79][171][4][207][208] and magnetogenetics[209] continue to facilitate this research program. Dayah, M. (2017). 10 mA: Electrical shock, muscle contraction. the electrical conductor. HOW MASSAGE THERAPY HEALS THE BODY. PART I: Piezoelectrical Phenomenon (This proposal is in contrast to the medical paradigm, i.e., ATP causes all synthesis. He unveiled the fast-changing electricity associated with muscle contraction and nerve excitation the action potentials. Electromagnetic Energy- (as of human health) A by-product of nuclear explosions in the Sun, i.e., radiant energy (sunlight) that collects around elemental atoms in Nature and enables atomic bonds & chemical reaction. Heart Electrical Phenomena The rhythmic contractions of the heart which pump the life-giving blood occur in response to periodic electrical control pulse sequences.The natural pacemaker is a specialized bundle of nerve fibers called the sinoatrial node ().Nerve cells are capable of producing electrical impulses called action potentials.The bundle of active cells in the SA node trigger a . Endogenous electric currents and fields, ion fluxes, and differences in resting potential across tissues comprise an ancient and highly conserved communicating and signaling system. [40][157] Amputation invariably leads to a skin-driven outward current and a consequent lateral electric field setting the cathode at the wound site. could be triggered in a range of normally non-regenerative conditions by either molecular-genetic,[169] pharmacological,[170] or optogenetic[171] methods. Life is dependent upon the meticulous balance of energies.

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